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Chakra up your business! -

The mentoring program.

Are you fed up with all the marketing strategies and good tips that should lead you into a successful business?

You have implemented everything, worked hard and are now a real professional in a field that you were not really interested in before?

And yet things are hardly going any better than before? Is it tough and you lose interest?

Or are you just starting your own business and want to do it differently from the start?

There is no such thing as ONE strategy that applies to everyone!

“Chakra up Your Business!” Is about you. About you as a whole person, not just about the business woman.

I will accompany you for six months and connect you energetically with what defines you! Old patterns and unconscious fears are integrated. They no longer have any power over you.

Imagine that you really only live what corresponds to you?

Imagine if you could finally feel your business again?

Imagine getting an energy shift that lifts you to a completely different level?

I connect you. So that every strategy is really yours.

So that your offer really resonates for you.

So that you have joy in sending it out, you have joy in being visible.

So that you don't do anything that doesn't feel good.

Imagine if you could run your business in a relaxed manner.

Imagine customers coming to you with joy.

Without you having to pull on them.

I'll show you what intuitive marketing means. When is it time to sow and when it is time to let it grow.

I love that. So much.

And I do not promise you that you will get 6 digits within a short period of time. And I don't promise you either that there is nothing for you to do.

But you will be fulfilled. Everything becomes easier. You are happy. More relaxed. You serve your customers. You are you! You are your business! And then there will be more money.

Everything is related. Nothing stays on one level. You will ... yourself

develop. Your essence comes to light and you live what you are.

I have no recommendation for you how long our cooperation should be.

You decide.

You get:

- Me as a mentor with all my knowledge,

my presence, my love, my passion and joy

- Six hours 1: 1 a month with me. As a single session of 90 minutes, divided into three sessions, 2x3 hours, 1x6 hours, every day 20 minutes ... We look individually every month what is best for you

Suits you

- A weekly impulse or a specific one

Task for you

- The chakra up Your Life! Deck of cards

- One personal meditation per month, spoken just for you

Payment in installments and exit after the first joint session possible

I look forward to us! This is going to be great!

6 months Chakra up Your Business! Mentoringprogramm

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